
Home > types > PackageJson > YarnConfiguration

PackageJson.YarnConfiguration interface


export interface YarnConfiguration 


Property Type Description
flat? boolean (Optional) If your package only allows one version of a given dependency, and you’d like to enforce the same behavior as yarn install --flat on the command-line, set this to true.Note that if your package.json contains "flat": true and other packages depend on yours (e.g. you are building a library rather than an app), those other packages will also need "flat": true in their package.json or be installed with yarn install --flat on the command-line.
resolutions? Dependency (Optional) Selective version resolutions. Allows the definition of custom package versions inside dependencies without manual edits in the yarn.lock file.
workspaces? WorkspacePattern[] | WorkspaceConfig (Optional) Used to configure [Yarn workspaces](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/docs/workspaces/).Workspaces allow you to manage multiple packages within the same repository in such a way that you only need to run yarn install once to install all of them in a single pass.Please note that the top-level private property of package.json **must** be set to true in order to use workspaces.