
Home > types > PackageJson > WorkspaceConfig

PackageJson.WorkspaceConfig interface

An alternative configuration for Yarn workspaces.


export interface WorkspaceConfig 


Property Type Description
nohoist? WorkspacePattern[] (Optional) Designed to solve the problem of packages which break when their node_modules are moved to the root workspace directory - a process known as hoisting. For these packages, both within your workspace, and also some that have been installed via node_modules, it is important to have a mechanism for preventing the default Yarn workspace behavior. By adding workspace pattern strings here, Yarn will resume non-workspace behavior for any package which matches the defined patterns.[Read more](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/blog/2018/02/15/nohoist/)
packages? WorkspacePattern[] (Optional) An array of workspace pattern strings which contain the workspace packages.