All files / utils isCuid2.ts

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const re = /^[0-9a-z]+$/
export interface IsCuid2Options {
   * @default 24
  minLength?: number
   * @default 24
  maxLength?: number
 * 检测传入值是否是 Cuid2。
 * @param value 要检测的值
 * @returns 返回检测结果
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * isCuid2('1') // => false
 * isCuid2('tz4a98xxat96iws9zmbrgj3a') // => true
 * ```
 * @see
export function isCuid2(value: string, options: IsCuid2Options = {}): boolean {
  const { minLength = 24, maxLength = 24 } = options
  return (
    !!value &&
    typeof value === 'string' &&
    value.length >= minLength &&
    value.length <= maxLength &&