All files / utils inIOS.ts

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import { inBrowser } from './inBrowser'
import { inMiniProgram } from './inMiniProgram'
let yes!: boolean
 * 检查是否在 iOS 设备中。
 * @returns 返回检查结果
 * @example
 * ```typescript
 * if (inIOS()) {
 *   console.log('你在 iOS 设备中')
 * }
 * ```
export function inIOS(): boolean {
  if (yes == null) {
    const mp = inMiniProgram()
    if (mp) {
      const sysInfo = mp.getSystemInfoSync()
      yes = sysInfo.platform === 'ios' || /iOS/i.test(sysInfo.system)
    } else {
      yes =
        inBrowser() &&
        typeof window.navigator === 'object' &&
        /iPad|iPhone|iPod/i.test(window.navigator.platform || '')
  return yes