All files / types DotPath.ts

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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// ref:
type SubKeys<T, K extends string | number> = K extends keyof T
  ? `${K}.${DotPath<T[K]>}`
  : never
export type DotPath<T> = object extends T
  ? string
  : T extends any[]
  ? '0' | SubKeys<T, 0>
  : T extends readonly any[]
  ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>>
  : T extends object
  ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>>
  : never
export type DotPathValue<T, Path extends string> = Path extends '0'
  ? // @ts-ignore
  : Path extends keyof T
  ? T[Path]
  : Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}`
  ? K extends '0'
    ? DotPathValue<
        // @ts-ignore
    : K extends keyof T
    ? DotPathValue<T[K], R>
    : unknown
  : unknown
export type DotPathWithRoot<T> = DotPath<T> | '.'
export type DotPathWithRootValue<T, Path extends string> = Path extends '.'
  ? T
  : DotPathValue<T, Path>